"Are y'all Nuns?"
Hey guys!! This week went by way fast, it's so weird.
Last Monday we had Family Home Evening with the Branch President's family with a less active member and a non-member family! It was so fun! We made some weird funny home videos and it was pretty embarrassing haha.
We also had some fun this week with Sam! We helped her clean out her garage port and we ended up playing football haha, but it was fun! We also went over to her house another night and we painted with her boys and some of their friends, and we also had a lesson about service with all of them and heart-attacked a family in the area!
We also found a service opportunity this week at a Senior Home, and we went and helped them play some Bingo...my table won of course. But anyways, I was talking to this man who could not understand the fact that we were not nuns....we get that so often, but this guy was not taking the truth haha. He also guessed that I was Philippino by the way that I talk? ..I don't know, he was just funny.
Also church yesterday was amazing! Members came to church who haven't been in like 20 years! It was so awesome to see them after working with them 5-ever haha. We also had a "Break the Fast/ Super Bowl party" last night and we tried distracting us by playing some board games and eating food, but Sister Esquivel literally had to drag me away from the TV room when I heard my boy JT singing..missionary problems. The Williams family also stopped by that night to say hi after dropping off Misty in town! I love them so so much!
But also fun fact....I don't know how to play the piano, and I am the most tone-def person in the world...But this Sunday I am playing the piano and Sister Makin is singing for me! I taught myself how to play "Nearer my God to Thee" and so far we only practiced one time, so pray for us haha.
Also another fun fact, I've been sick for almost over a whole transfer, sorry mom..I bought some vitamin C and have been taking medicine like a drug addict but hopefully I'll get better soon!!
Also these two videos really touched me this week, you should check them out! (:
Love you all so much!! Next week is Transfer week, so I will be emailing on Wednesday and transfers are on Thursday, so I will give you the details on if I stay or if I go next week!
Sister Hunt
1. The Luckey's after church
2. Weekly Planning
3. Introducing Heart-Attacking to the South
4. The District in Low Quality ft. the Jackson ZL's
5. Homies
6. Yeah if you can see us in this pic, good job. But with the Williams!
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