I SURVIVED THE MTC (jk, only 3 days)
Whats up everyone?!?! I miss you all so much, but seriously the MTC is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
First night with the roomiess <3
COMP!! Sis.Morales!!
Elder.Huges taught us how to make these weird rainbow drinks, everyone in the cafeteria wanted to be us. Also MTC food isn't even as bad as everyone says it is.
The ever-so famous Elder Tamri and our sig poses.
Sis.Downs and I convinced everyone is lying about the Cream Soda tree...I guess today it didnt smell...I don't know.
Elder Aichers from my zone, love him! Hes so funny!
(For those who don't know, I am currently in Provo, UT in the MTC where I get trained to be a missionary until June 5)
First off, I am in the MTC for a few more weeks, and DearElder.com only works while I am here, so please- Dear Elder me!!!! Like 5 times a day!!!! Packages and food are also strongly encouraged. But I mostly want to see pictures! Like seriously it's so hard not being able to talk to everyone back home guys!! ( Actually I cant say "guys" here (like: "Hey you guys?!"), just "Elders" and "Sisters"...we correct each other on that all day.) But my P-Day is on Saturday's here, so I can respond to emails on Saturday! And go to the Temple!! I went this morning and it was so good!!!
My Branch and Zone are seriously THE BEST! I love them all so much!! They are so cool, so funny, and so spiritual. Some of the missionaries are leaving in a couple days and I am SO sad about it, we seriously are like family here.
I've been running on like, no sleep for the past 3 days but I'm loving it. I also now understand why people always say "Just make it to Sunday" here at the MTC, because the first few days are ROUGH. Our first day was crazy, when we finally got back to our room we were just dead, but our minds were everywhere so we couldn't sleep.
I'm in a room with my companion Sis.Morales from Idaho Falls, and another set of companions, Sis.Downs from Lehi, UT and Sis.McLean from Gilbert! They're all awesome--and normal, thank goodness.
All the teachers and leaders here are AWESOME!! I love learning all of the things they teach us throughout the day! Sis. Morales and I already taught 2 lessons to an investigator!! SCARY!!! Jk, it was just our teacher acting as one, but next week we teach real ones!! AH!!!!
Also, I never got excited about scriptures before, and I literally get so excited when I read a cool scripture and I tell everyone about it. Also I am trying really hard to have a positive attitude and to always see the positive parts of situations because it not only helps me-but the missionaries around me. Some missionaries are struggling, this is hard work guys..I don't think I have ever done something this hard before. Keep the missionaries in your prayers!! And remember you are being prayed for as well!! Wow, I sound like such a missionary already.
I've seen Elder Tamri everyday sense I've been here, but LITERALLY every time I see him I am late for a class so I seriously just run past him. haha. But today we had time to talk for a bit and finally took a pic-more pics to come..we have the same lunch time. And it's seriously so refreshing and exciting seeing a familiar face, even though I never met him before coming here, but love you all.
I love you all! I talk about you all the time and know that I miss you so much but I am loving it here!!
I have to go, the power went out in the MTC today so we are just all over the place.
WE ALSO GET TO HOST NEW MISSIONARIES NEXT WEEK! SO EXCITED!! (even though I dont even know what I am doing yet, but it's all good)
First night with the roomiess <3
COMP!! Sis.Morales!!
Elder.Huges taught us how to make these weird rainbow drinks, everyone in the cafeteria wanted to be us. Also MTC food isn't even as bad as everyone says it is.
Sis. Hoop and I, she's my fav!! She reminds me of Tatum Hill back in AZ!! They're EXACTLY the same!!
Selfie with a tree that everyone says smells like Cream Soda..but it just smells like dirt to me.
The ever-so famous Elder Tamri and our sig poses.
Some sisters from my zone at the temple today! Our Elders were late, so they went to the session after us, but someone payed for our breakfast there this morning!! Love it!
Some sisters from my zone at the temple today! Our Elders were late, so they went to the session after us, but someone payed for our breakfast there this morning!! Love it!
Sis.Downs and I convinced everyone is lying about the Cream Soda tree...I guess today it didnt smell...I don't know.
Elder Aichers from my zone, love him! Hes so funny!
Sister Hunt, it is so good to read about the MTC. I loved it there and absolutely loved my District. Back when I was there we spent a week or two in the media phone center talking to real people who wanted a video or Book of Mormon. I loved that experience. The devotionals there are really spiritual. I am so glad that you are enjoying it and learning. So proud of you Tuesday. I know the Lord is too.