Week 2 in the MTC!!

Yo yo yo everyone, what's good?? Thank you to everyone who emailed me throughout the week, I LOVE hearing from you!! I get so excited to hear what's happening in your lives. Also alot of people have been asking me questions about Dear Elder and what it is..so if you go on DearElder.com you can write me emails and they print them off here at the MTC and we get them throughout the day! It's so fun when our District Leader Elder Terry passes out our Dear Elders in the cafeteria, its like getting mail. (and you don't need to make an account through DearElder..just click "write a missionary"or something like that)
Or just send me a good ol' email, either way..I miss you all so much and it means alot when I hear from you, even if I cant respond right away.

Anyways, SO MUCH has happened the past week..so ill just list em off for ya'll.

1. I AM IN A TRIO! One of our sisters in our district left, so now I have 2 companions. It was really hard trying to figure out how to work within a trio-especially in lessons, but it has been getting better!

2. WE ARE SISTER TRAINING LEADERS!! Which pretty much means we are some-what in charge of the zone and all the new missionaries that come in. This week we had 8 new sisters come into the new district, and we were so nervous, but they are all so awesome!! And guess what...this upcoming Wednesday..2 districts are coming into our zone..which means we are in charge of another 14 NEW SISTERS. And we were nervous about 8..........but it will be great. lol

2. MOM I MET ELDERS WHO ARE SERVING IN THE PHILIPPINES! They are so nice and always come up to talk to me whenever they see me. I also filmed a little video with them- hopefully I can figure out how to send it. But they are so so nice.

3. WE GOT 2 BAPTISMS!! This week we taught real investigators (well they could be members or not-we don't know) but either way, we taught them throughout the week and they both accepted to be baptized!! I have never felt the spirit so strong than when we teach our investigator Ashley, we also filmed a clip with her that I'll try and attach.

4. One of our districts left last week, they were our Sister Training Leaders and helped us out so much here in the MTC, but they will all be awesome on the mission!!!

5. For our Tuesday devotional last week, guess what General Authority came..ELDER RENLUND!! And after him and his wife spoke, he took the time to shake EVERY missionaries hand here in the MTC!! He asked me by name where I was serving, and when I told him Mississippi he said....."Oh wow, good for you." Guess he would be just as nervous to serve in the Bible belt as I am I guess.haha

6. I HOSTED THE NEW MISSIONARIES LAST WEDNESDAY!! It was so fun but also a little sad seeing them say bye to their families. I miss my family so much!! Keep sending me pictures guys!! I miss seeing and talking to you!!

7. WE GOT OUR MISSISSIPPI TRAVEL PLANS!! I got assigned the Travel leader for the Mississippi missionaries, and their is like 9 of us! We leave at 3:30 am for the SLC airport on June 5.........gross. so early. But the Elders going to Mississippi saw me at lunch and said hi! They were super nice, can't wait to get to know them too.

I have so many pictures and videos from this week, so sorry if you get multiple emails, sometimes they take too much space to send them in one email...I don't know how to use technology anymore.

Love you all!!
Sis. Hunt

The Elders in my district-they're serving in Arkansas

​KEATON CHURCH- One of my sister teachers served with Faith in Nebraska!! She said Faith was amazing as a missionary! Her name is Sis.Strong.

*Does 8 squats* *cant walk up stairs*


​Our super super cool investigator Ashley!!!
I dont think this picture loaded in the last email- But Elder Tamri looks just a tad but bitter that I arrived at the MTC after him, and I still get to leave before he does..

​Wrote the Elders letters because they complain about not getting Dear Elder's at lunch. Jk-Love em all.

Sis.Hoop left :( But we are going to room at BYU-I together after the mish so its all good.


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