My apostate lesson about obedience and I'm in a trio again??

Hey fam!!
Crazy fun week! I LOVE Sis.DeCamp!! She is AWESOME and we are seriously one and the same!
This week:
-Terry wants to be baptized ASAP! We just need to work out a weekend that will fit his work schedule..Terry is one of a kind I'll tell of a kind...we had a lesson with him this week, and Brooklyn was able to come out with us!! #MissionaryBrooklyn But seriously, she is going to be the best missionary one day!!
-I was asked to share a mini lesson on obedience as a missionary in District Meeting this week, and it was only a little bit apostate..I asked someone to read 3 Nephi 11:3-7 (about the spirit) and I BLARED "The Circle of Life" song (obviously Disney..duh..what else?) and talked about how the loud music represents things that tempt us as worldly things..and how it distracts us from our purpose as missionaries and how those things drive the spirit away. Then talked about the importance of keeping the mission rules and how it benefits us out here in the field.
-While we were doing service at the Senior Meal Center in Sumrall, a lady invited us to come over and pick some Muscadines from her garden..we were super confused about what they were, but we tried them and picked a whole bunch because they were actually super good! haha

-Had a lesson with Bishop Trussell and his family this week! We challenged them to bare their testimonies on Sunday. Sis.Trussell did, and so did Colton!! He isn't even in their family, haha he is the Trussell's cousin, but he was there for dinner so we challenged him too! During sacrament meeting he was stressing so much, and he kept looking back at us and we just kept busting out laughing. I passed him a note and said I would buy him a candy bar if he went up, and he ran up to the podium! haha...not creepy at all right? Sister missionaries bribing kids with candy?..casual. haha..but now I have to go buy him some candy.
-On Saturday we went on a Trio exchange with Sis.John out in Purvis, MS. Her companion Sis.Larsen is having physical challenges and it's getting really bad. Sis.Larsen spent the day at a members house while we helped Sis.John work her area. KEEP SIS.LARSEN IN YOUR PRAYERS <3 But while we were tracting, we got cornered by a demon dog who was seriously posessed, and we were on the doorstep when a little girl opened the door who was terrified of the physco dog on her porch. Sis.DeCamp whipped out her mace spray and sprayed it off....we had to try to convince that little girl that the spray was just dog repellent haha.
But later that day we found a super cool couple who were SUPER interested in our message, and he promised to have the whole Book of Mormon read by next weekend?! This guy is LEGIT!!! Love them..wish I was in Purvis so I could continue teach them, they were awesome!
-Yesterday Sis.DeCamp and I pulled over at a gas station to make some phone calls, and all of the sudden our friend Trina swooped in next to us and told us to drive away because a cop was right behind us pulling someone over and they all had guns out......we were super oblivious to what was even happening behind us. But bless Mrs.Trina for recognizing our car and maybe saving our lives? haha #MissionaryLife
-This morning Sister Faith Trussell came by our apartment and surprised us with donuts and chocolate milk?! She is so cute, that family is the best.

Well, I am super excited for Zone Conference tomorrow!! This past week was full of crazy stories, and I am just so thankful that I have Sis.DeCamp as a companion, shes seriously the best!! I love hearing from you all!! Talk to you guys next Monday!!
Sister Hunt
7 Sparrow Lane Apt. #7B
Sumrall, MS 39482
1. I still hate cats but...playing with this cat was almost as mesmerizing as playing with those dumb fidgit spinner toys.
2. Missionary life with Brooklyn <3
3. Remaking the same selfie with Sis.Pitt with this praying sign.
4. Sis.Freeman and I with Faith Trussell <3
5. Dinner at the Trussells! with Colton Humpherys lol (Boston loves us even though it may not look like it)


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