I'm a Spanish speaking Sister now!
Ok sorry, no I am not a Spanish sister missionary now, but fun news! Our mission is getting Spanish sisters this next transfer!! How cool! But we are teaching English to the Spanish Elder's investigator that we found and we passed on to them. He is super cool and we basically have to google translate everything we say and we just have the weirdest conversations haha he is super funny though and from Guatemala! He also works at a super good Mexican restaurant down the street from our apartment, and he never charges us for our food, so nice of him, I love Mexican food.
Rhonda, who I have been working with since I've been here in Sumrall, is back on date for baptism! :) So that's awesome!! She is so cool and has such a powerful testimony of Christ! She's legit!!
It was so good am I right, or am I right??
We watched the Saturday morning session at the Albert families house, and watched the afternoon session at the church building!
On Sunday we had breakfast with the Garvens family and watched the morning session with them! (okay so cool- this family teaches their kids about the story of King Benjamin in the Book of Mormon, and the night before Conference they built a tent in their living room and camp out like they did in the scriptures to hear from the Prophet! Cute right?)
Then we went to the church building for the second session again!
Something that I got out of General Conference this past weekend was:
How great is my faith in my Savior Jesus Christ? Do I honestly believe that he is standing with me everyday while I am out here on my mission? Do I honestly know that he is standing with me at each person's doorstep that I knock on? Do I honestly know that he suffered for me as an individual, and because of that, I should use the beautiful gift of the atonement every single day? Do I honestly believe that he understands literally every single thing that I go through and personally feel? Because he does. My faith is weakening when I am not strengthening it- so I have to strengthen my faith EVERY SINGLE DAY by feasting upon the words of Christ every morning to help me get through the day and to help lead and guide me. We all do.
I love this gospel and I know it is true, I would not be out here if I didn't believe it was.
I love and miss you all!! I would say to write me a letter or something, but I may or may not be getting transferred into a new area next week- so my mail might not make it if I end up leaving haha, but I have no idea! So we will have to see!! :)
Talk to you all later!!
Sister Hunt
Mission Home Address:
1. (some of) The District
2. When Conference and game day are both on Saturday?
3. Conference at the Garvens
4. Found Rachel's mom in the MoTab ;)
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