Terry is Baptized!!!

Hey everyone!!
This week was awesome! We had Zone Conference this week and Terry was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!!

Zone Conference went really well, we won the clean car award again ;) Thanks Matt!!!!
We also sang A Child's Prayer during Zone Conference with the William's family! And they bore their testimonies and it was awesome. Addye mentioned how it was because of our examples as missionaries that makes her want to serve a mission one day. LOVE that family!

Terry is baptized! It was the most stressful thing of my life- nothing went according to plan at his baptism, but the spirit there was so strong. So happy for him! On Sunday after he received the gift of the Holy Ghost, he came to sit next to us again and all he said was "wow, you two were NOT lying about that feeling!" So cool! This is why I am out here! To bring others the joy that I have from this gospel!!
Sis.DeCamp and I are also getting over a nasty cold right now, and I was lo-key dead for a couple days this week, but it's all good!
Also, yes- Sis.DeCamp and I twinned so hard throughout this whole week. Judge us.
But also thank you Lindsey for buying us all matching dresses!

Love you all!
Sister Hunt

1. Terry
2. Garvens family
3. Cute little Peyton Humpherys is now baptized!
4. Williams girls
5. President Olson
6. Homies! (Elder Hyde/Wandry/Corley/Ferrin)
7. Ain't no one messin' with my clique.
8. Hattiesburg Zone
9. Don't ask why the Elders have an "L" on their forehead..I don't know.
10. Sis.Pitt was down in Hattiesburg this week for surgery and stopped by Oak Grove sacrament meeting!


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