Surround Sound Southern Prayers


- Last P-day we biked the Long Leaf Trace from USM to the Hattiesburg Train Station, and walked around Downtown Hattiesburg. Enjoyed bring back in "the city" (lol) and coveting the Zone Leader's area...
- We were invited to a "Sumrall town prayer" at City Hall this past week and was an experience..I have never experienced how true southerners pray, and I got a front row seat that night. We all held hands in a big circle and Pastors and Ministers from Sumrall went up to the front and took turns praying, and the whole circle joined in chanting "amen's" and some people got really into it. It was pretty cool haha.
- Also I got threatened to have the cops called on me for the first time this week. Hollaa #missionarylife
This guy pulled up next to our car as we were about to get in after an appointment fell through, and he started saying how we were soliciting and how he was going to call the cops on us. And we were we aren't soliciting, we were literally meeting up with a lady here at her We weren't even going around knocking on doors that day. So we just went tracting at a neighborhood next to his haha. Just trying to share the good word man, don't hate.
- Also this week we met the COOLEST couple!! We went over a few times to help them make/put up their Christmas decorations, and these people are going ALL OUT! And this family is so cute. They also invited us over for dinner a couple times and they are just so cute, I love them.
- Next week is transfers and I don't know how to feel about it. I love the people here too much to want to leave. I have been here for like 1/3 of my mission, so we will see if I get transferred out or not. I'll let you know next week! (;
Thanks for all the pictures/ emails/ and letters! They make my week!!
XoXo, Sister Hunt

1. My favorite family ever the Williams!!
2. Hattiesburg Train Station
3. Missionary life....
4. Purvis District
5. Painting


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