Find, Teach, and Baptize 2 girls in a week!!

We met Allison at girls camp last week, and she came up to us and told us she wanted to be baptized before she moved to Washington this week, so we were like...sweet!!!
We have been over to their house everyday this past week teaching all the lessons, and her younger sister Megan wanted in too, and they both made the decision to be baptized on Sunday!! They are seriously the most "put together" inspirational little 12 and 13 year old girls, I love them so so so much!! Their parents are non-members/inactive, but are EXTREMELY supportive of their girls and are an AMAZING family! And the ward has been such awesome help putting together a baptism in just a few short days, but the turn out was amazing and it was a day I will never forget.
Also, on Saturday Sis.Pitt and I went to the Collins Elder's baptism with the Williams family to help support, and Elder Wilson texted us right before the baptism and asked if we could teach the Restoration we did that...turned out good haha, I didn't mess up Prophet Joseph Smith's name this time..
We also tracked into a lady last week and got ahold of her this week and she gave us a super fun service opportunity!! It goes on almost every week day, so Sis.Pitt and I are for sure going back all of the time. A couple people put on a food service meal thing..where vets and retired people can come and get meals to eat or to take out, and we just help anyone and everyone there! All of the old people there are super nice, funny, and really friendly! We loved it!!
Also I love the William's family so much. They brought me in like one of their own and they are just so amazing. They took us out to eat and I tried Gumbo and Grits for the first time and i give it a 10/10 even though I may or may not have picked out the shrimp because I'm still a wimp,
Also may or may not have shown them the movie the Best Two Years, and let me just say..that movie is a BILLION times funnier when you watch it as a missionary. As if it wasn't already funny before..
The Williams are so cool because they are a super recent convert family, with two daughters Brooklyn (16) and Addie (13) who are my new best friends, and Bro.Williams (Matt)'s sister, Misty, is the one who has a baptism date for July 15th!! We are still so excited for her and helping her prepare as well! The Williams also are Disney obsessed like I am, and we watch the TParty on YouTube everyday so I'm loving it!
Also, 10/10 recommend Y'ALL (its happening..) listening to President Thomas S. Monson's talk from a Priesthood session of general conference back in 2010 called "The Three R's of Choice" because it is one of my all time favorites...and he mentions Disney in there so that's also a plus. But read that talk and try and apply in in your lives ❤
Love you all!!
7 Sparrow Lane
Apt.7-B Sumrall, MS 49382

-Once a T-Party fan, always a T-Party fan (notice the Disney decor to the side)
-Elder Godfrey, Sis.Pitt, Allison, and Megan
-The Girls ❤
-Sis.Pitt and I tracting in the 10004857869670% Mississippi humidity..still alive.


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