Made it to Mississippi!!

So it has been raining almost our whole time being here, and it's humid as freak, BUT I ALREADY LOVE MISSISSIPPI!
We stayed in the mission home last night, and it was the best night of sleep I've had for the past 2 weeks- a real house, a real bed, and REAL FOOD!
It is crazy green here, and I got my first location assignment this morning! I am serving in Hattiesburg Mississippi in a WARD!! NOT A BRANCH OR A "TWIG"!! (never heard of a twig area, but I guess that is a thing here)
My trainer is Sis.Pitt, and all I know about here is that she is the oldest missionary here (28) and she is very outgoing and talkative. I guess the area is brand new to Sister Missionaries, so her and I are going to open up the area! I am SO excited and SO anxious! Elder Willard keeps asking if I am freaking out--so I guess I look very nervous or something, he keeps reminding me to breath. haha
Yesterday we ran on 2 hours of sleep so I still feel like half a zombie, but it's all good.
I don't have my camera with me at the moment, so I can't attach the usual 3 emails with pictures today, but don't worry- you will see more pics of me next week, I know you all love

Also, GUESS WHO HAS THE BESTEST FRIEND EVER?! I DO BECAUSE RACHEL ISSACSON CAME TO THE AIRPORT IN SLC AT 4 AM TO SAY GOODBYE TO ME!! She is seriously so amazing and I was shook when I saw her at the airport.
We also got a taste of someone bible bashing us at the airport, so that was it.

The last few days in the MTC were hard - I love everyone so much and I pretty much just cried all day thinking about leaving everyone in my district and zone, but I know they will do awesome out in the field! The Elders were so nice and gave me a blessing the night before we left, and it was so so hard leaving them. But they will seriously change to many lives out there in Arkansas.

I am so so so sad about leaving my trio of companions, I love them so much and we have grown and been through so much in the past couple of weeks. I am scared to go back to just one companion and going back to square one and not knowing what I am doing again..

Mom and Dad- Sis.Olson is going to send you pictures of me and the group I flew here with from this morning, so keep an eye out for that.

Just know that I am doing awesome and I am loving being a missionary!! I know it will be hard, especially adjusting to missionary life- but I cannot wait!!
Also, I am doing alot better than I thought at waking up at 6am...but I am still always tired😂But don't get me wrong, I am still not a morning person..

Love you all!! Ill email again on Mondays! (Saturday's aren't my P-Day anymore!)



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