Sumrall Mississippi is POPPIN

What's up friends? Sumrall Mississippi is now open!! Sis.Pitt and I are opening this area, which means Missionaries have never been assigned here yet- so its going down.
We moved into our new apartment and its pretty cute, and clean which is nice. It is brand new so that's cool.
Girls camp was pretty legit too! There were like 4 non-member girls and one of them told us she wants to be baptized before she moves to Washington in a couple of weeks! Which means we are busy teaching her this next week preparing her to be baptized haha. The youth here are awesome and are going to be amazing future missionaries, they already know more than I do and they're like 13...
We met some lady tracting this week and she asked us to teach a class at her Baptist church and we were like....freak yeah okay. haha so that was interesting.
We also almost died in a tropical storm which was cool too, it reminds me of surviving Hurricane Matthew when I lived in Florida-but we're alive..all is well.\
Also our district had a bet going on about how many new investigators we can get, and the loosing companionship had to eat pigs feet (because its a nasty south thing I guess) but Sis.Pitt and I came out on top and didn't have to feast. But the district convinced me to take a swig of the juice in the jar, worst decision of my life. But everyone did it, so I had to...peer pressure is real and disgusting.

Also everyone here thinks I'm Hawaiian and not Philippino.
Love you!!!

7 Sparrow Lane
Apt#7-B Sumrall, MS 49382

1.Sis.Pitt and I at Dinner with the Jackson's

2. Girls camp with the Sisters


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