Called to Serve in Alaska or???
OK WHAT?! SNOW IN MISSISSIPPI?! So yeah..that happened..
SO MUCH happened this week haha I don't even know where to start..
- So one day we decided to go tracting, and Sis.Cothern was nice enough to drive us out to Magee and drop us off..and it was extremely hot that morning so that was fun haha. Also fun time when we try to visit a potential, and her doorknob was broken so their was a huge hole in her door, and no one was answering, and I guess I just leaned over to look through the hole for fun, and all of the sudden someone screams bloody murder from inside and I had a freaking heart awkward.. but anyways, then all of the sudden the temperature DROPPED and it was freezing and we got stuck in a rainstorm.. and this cute old lady answered her door and was like, "Hey sisters!" so we got excited, but then she just puts some newspaper over our heads to protect us from the rain I guess, and then she literally shoved us off her porch haha so that was interesting..southern hospitality right?
- I TRIED CATFISH FOR THE FIRST TIME..The Butler family took us to Jerry's Catfish House, and it was good I guess, didn't really taste like anything but it wasn't bad. Still not a fan of seafood though, sorry fam.
- OKAY SO YES IT SNOWED. A LOT. Our power was off literally all day, so we hung out and played in the snow with the Bulter's (;
- Also, on Saturday Ashlynn, Lanie, and Wesley got baptized!!!!! They are such awesome kids!! It has been so much fun teaching them since I got to Mendenhall, and it's been so cool to help them prepare for their baptism!
- On Sunday the Jackson, MS Stake had Stake Conference! So we caught a ride up to Clinton and got to hear Elder Costa from the 70 speak! He is also speaking at our Zone Conference tomorrow! And guess what?! I get to go back down to Hattiesburg for Zone Conference!! I get to see my favorite people again!! Aka the Oak Grove ward and my past 2 comps Sister DeCamp and Sister Gunther (; Because we are combining 3 zones together this transfer! So stoked!!!
- Yesterday Marley got baptized as well!! She is seriously the coolest kid ever, it was a pretty awesome baptism as well (: Seeing families come together for baptisms is my favorite thing, especially knowing that they feel the spirit, even if some may be less active or non members who attend (: The church is true "y'all"!! (lol....I still cringe when I say that word..) But these kid's testimonies are so simple yet so strong!! I love it!!
- Also, I was peer pressured into eating snails last night..yes, I know I'm the biggest wimp, but I still did it....after Sis.Sandoval pretty much had to shove it in my mouth lol but I did it for the video though so that's all that matters.
Well I love you all so much!! I love reading your emails and letters that you send me!! They make my week!! Remember to send me your addresses as well! (;
Talk to you next week!!
Sister Hunt
1. You bet yo girl made a BB8 snowman..
2. When the one girl from Arizona see's snow:
3. When you and your comp share a coat, so you take turns playing in the snow:
4. snow pt. 436543967956
5. The Waldrops came by to play outside! haha
6. Mini Sis.hunt and Sandoval
7. Magee
(sending another email with more pics too)
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