Okay yes, it's true. The Mississippi Jackson mission is retiring :(
IN JULY WE ARE GOING TO BE THE BATON ROUGE LOUISIANA MISSION! Crazy right? Our missions are combining this summer, and I don't think I can comprehend it still..I'll be serving a mission in two different missions! I wasn't expecting that one..

But I'll come back to that later..haha

Monday: We had our first FHE as a Mendenhall Group! We went to the Luckey's house and had a lesson about family history and why journal keeping is important...I mean, the scriptures we're basically journals, so yeah, obviously important. The youth invited tons of friends too! They're legit!

Tuesday: We went on splits with our trio for the first time! It was weird, I don't know how to missionary with just two of us anymore haha. But Sister Esquivel and I tried a handful of people and NO ONE was home. So we checked up on our friend Amanda and played with her cute new dog for a few minutes. It was so cute and I don't even like dogs.
We also went to the Butlers home and helped with caulking their walls some more. Someone needs to hit up Chip and Joanna for us. (People constantly tell me I look like here down here too, it's ridiculous haha I get it like everyday..) I don't even see it, it might be because we're both brown compared to everyone here.

Wednesday: We had interviews with President Olson, and the AP's came to District Meeting! (Which meant Elder Christensen and I's dad Elder Scorsbey came back to visit us.) It was a party. This district is so big, it's so fun.
Then we went on exchanges with the STL's! Sister Makin and I went with Sister Lamb, and boy it was an interesting exchange haha. We literally were in a lesson with some guy for 2 hours and he could not stay on topic to save his life, it was rough, but it was fine. haha we taught an awesome lesson afterwards with someone else (;

Thursday: We did service and helped this lady clean out her house and yard because she was moving out. Also Madison, MS is sooo nice, while I was there I forgot I was in Mississippi for a second, it was crazy.
Also today is when we had our unexpected mission meeting.....and President Olson told us about our mission change. We didn't know anything about why we had to meet up, we thought a General Authority was coming, or that President Olson was being called to the Quorum of the 70 or something... (lol) No one was expecting this change! Everyone was shocked, legitimately. 

Friday: We met with Angie and she was telling us how excited she was about recieving her Patriarchal Blessing! Hearing her testify that she knows it was from God was the cutest thing. She is the best! We also had dinner with Alexis and her 2 year old kept running around screaming "GOD IS MY FATHER!" We were dying haha

Saturday: We went on splits and Sister Makin and I went to visit a Less Active woman with Sister Luckey and Angelina! 

Sunday: WE HAD A FULL HOUSE AT CHURCH! 3 whole part-member/ less active families showed up and it was GREAT! We also taught an awesome lesson about our Savior and his role, and it brought everyone to tears. It was awesome.

Okay wow that was a lot of stuff, but it was an awesome week!
I love you guys so much!! I know that I was called to serve a mission to help Heavenly Father bring his children to him, and to help the people here in the south come into the fold of Christ! Now I just get to do it in Louisiana too! (;

If this talk doesn't describe the Mississippi Jackson Mission right now, I don't know what does:
"Called to the Work" -Elder Bednar:

Talk to y'all next week!!
Sister Hunt

1. Ashlynn!
2. "Welcome Yall to Mendenhall"
3. Raking leaves all afternoon..then we made a bonfire with it later..
4. When you take away $60 worth of cigarettes from someone because you're doing the "Stop Smoking" workshop with them...


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