Verrado High School reunion?

GUYS!!!!! HAHA I'M IN A TRIO WITH SIS.MAKIN FROM BACK HOME!! I died when we found out that we even had some of the same classes in high school! Like, how does that even happen?? Out of the 422 different missions in the entire world, my new companion went to the same high school as me..crazy. 

But my new comps are Sister Makin and Sister Esquivel, and I am still here in Mendenhall, MS! These girls are awesome!! I was so nervous to be in a trio, but it is going to be such a fun transfer with these two!!

On Thursday I dropped Sister Sandoval off, she left me to be an STL her last transfer, so she moved on to bigger and better things I guess haha just kidding, but I love that girl!! I was so sad to get split with her!! But it was also a party at the Jackson Transfer Point!! I got to say bye to my favorite Sister DeCamp before she went home (also said bye to her twice because we went to Chick-Fil-A right after transfering haha) and I got to see my BFF Sista McLean from the MTC!! It was so fun.

But this past weekend I have been taking them to meet all the awesome people in our area, and we are just trying to adjust being in a trio instead of just a companionship. But I can tell this is going to be an awesome transfer with them!

Also President Olson just announced that next transfer (so not until March) WE GET SMARTPHONES!! I am so hype. All I ask for in life is to have Gospel Library and the weather app on my phone. Because this Mississippi weather is the most confusing thing in the world. I am soo excited!!!

Thank you for everything guys!! Hope you have an awesome week!!
Sister Hunt

1.Sister McLean!
2. McLean again
3. Some sisters who served in Mendenhall (:
4. Sister Sandoval
5. Sister DeCamp
6. Waldrop kids!
7. Bre came to church before he goes back to school!
8. Da TRIO!
9. "Downtown" M'Hall
10. Our church house


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